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P.A usando MC ... pa caba,,,

2 participantes

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P.A usando MC ... pa caba,,, Empty P.A usando MC ... pa caba,,,

Mensagem  Carbon Qua Abr 08, 2009 9:43 pm

00:17 [ Bem Vindo ] Next OTServ! Você ainda não possui sua Premium Account? Acesse http://nextotserv.servegame.org/doacoes.php
00:17 Your last visit was on Thu Apr 09 00:15:11 2009.
00:17 Carbon [66]: hi
00:20 Carbon [66]: first bless
00:20 Alice: Do you want to buy the first blessing for 1000 gold?
00:20 Carbon [66]: yes
00:20 Alice: You have been blessed by one of the five gods!
00:20 Carbon [66]: second bless
00:20 Carbon [66]: yes
00:20 Alice: You have been blessed by one of the five gods!
00:20 Carbon [66]: third bless
00:20 Carbon [66]: yes
00:20 Alice: You have been blessed by one of the five gods!
00:20 Carbon [66]: fourth bless
00:20 Alice: Do you want to buy the fourth blessing for 4000 gold?
00:20 Carbon [66]: yes
00:20 Alice: You have been blessed by one of the five gods!
00:20 Carbon [66]: fifth bless
00:20 Carbon [66]: yes
00:20 Alice: You have been blessed by one of the five gods!
00:20 Alice: Volte sempre!
00:23 Using one of 379 sudden death runes...
00:23 You lose 4 hitpoints due to an attack by Power Ranger Amarelo.
00:23 You lose 173 hitpoints due to an attack by Power Ranger Amarelo.
00:23 Using one of 378 sudden death runes...
00:23 You lose 4 hitpoints due to an attack by Power Ranger Amarelo.
00:23 You lose 5 hitpoints due to an attack by Power Ranger Amarelo.
00:23 You lose 188 hitpoints due to an attack by Power Ranger Amarelo.
00:23 Using one of 377 sudden death runes...
00:23 You lose 2 hitpoints due to an attack by Power Ranger Amarelo.
00:23 You lose 4 hitpoints due to an attack by Power Ranger Amarelo.
00:23 Using one of 537 ultimate healing runes...
00:23 You lose 190 hitpoints due to an attack by Power Ranger Amarelo.
00:23 You lose 4 hitpoints due to an attack by Power Ranger Amarelo.
00:23 Using one of 376 sudden death runes...
00:23 You lose 6 hitpoints due to an attack by Power Ranger Amarelo.
00:24 You see a dead human (Vol:10).
You recognize Power Ranger Rosa Choque. He was killed by Carbon.
00:27 You lose 30 hitpoints due to an attack by Agatha Love.
00:27 You lose 354 hitpoints due to an attack by Agatha Love.
00:27 You lose 30 hitpoints due to an attack by Agatha Love.
00:27 Using one of 723 ultimate healing runes...
00:27 You lose 364 hitpoints due to an attack by Agatha Love.
00:27 You lose 33 hitpoints due to an attack by Agatha Love.
00:27 Using one of 722 ultimate healing runes...
00:27 You lose 35 hitpoints due to an attack by Agatha Love.
00:27 Using one of 721 ultimate healing runes...
00:27 You lose 35 hitpoints due to an attack by Agatha Love.
00:27 You lose 380 hitpoints due to an attack by Agatha Love.
00:27 Using one of 720 ultimate healing runes...
00:27 You lose 34 hitpoints due to an attack by Agatha Love.
00:27 Using one of 719 ultimate healing runes...
00:27 You lose 35 hitpoints due to an attack by Agatha Love.
00:27 You lose 352 hitpoints due to an attack by Agatha Love.
00:27 Using one of 718 ultimate healing runes...
00:27 You lose 32 hitpoints due to an attack by Agatha Love.
00:27 Using one of 493 sudden death runes...
00:27 You lose 31 hitpoints due to an attack by Agatha Love.
00:27 Using one of 717 ultimate healing runes...
00:28 You see Agatha Love (Level 104). She is a master sorcerer.
00:28 You see Ticolino (Level 167). He is an elite knight.
00:28 You lose 2 hitpoints due to an attack by Ticolino.
00:28 Carbon [66]: qual é irmao
00:28 Carbon [66]: -.-
00:28 Using one of 485 sudden death runes...
00:28 Using one of 484 sudden death runes...
00:28 Using one of 483 sudden death runes...
00:29 You see a dead human (Vol:10).
You recognize Agatha Love. He was killed by Carbon.
00:29 Carbon [66]: pq quer me matar?
00:29 Ticolino [167]: vai deita...
00:29 Carbon [66]: pq ?
00:29 Carbon [66]: pq te matei quando vc tava dando pk com seu char nb? e depois matei teu sorc lvl 104 no MC?
00:29 Carbon [66]: é...?

Ticolino , P.a e nb -.-


alguns minutos depois....

01:00 Ticolino [167]: to chegando!
01:01 Carbon [66]: aonde?
01:01 Carbon [66]: se é loco?
01:02 Ticolino [167]: de exiva em mim
01:03 Carbon [66]: exiva "ticolino
01:03 Carbon [66]: far south-west
01:03 Carbon [66]: hã?
01:04 Ticolino [167]: de agora!
01:04 Ticolino [167]: w?
01:04 Carbon [66]: exiva "ticolino
01:04 Carbon [66]: West
01:04 Carbon [66]: hã?
01:05 Ticolino [167]: sai treino!
01:05 Ticolino [167]: e deita!
01:05 Carbon [66]: ohhhh! acho! {3x=2y[x-y(-.- x10³)]3z}

Mensagens : 57
Data de inscrição : 04/03/2009

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P.A usando MC ... pa caba,,, Empty fikei na duvida

Mensagem  olokomeu Qui Abr 09, 2009 5:05 am

Suspect + me parece suspeito

Mensagens : 71
Data de inscrição : 31/03/2009
Idade : 31
Localização : na frente do p.c

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